“I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.”
-Lily Tomlin
The EMDR International Association is a professional association where EMDR therapy practitioners and EMDR therapy researchers seek the highest standards for the clinical use of EMDR therapy.
If you are interested in learning more about EMDR therapy, feel free to check out this page.
Finding a Therapist
Finding a therapist that is the right fit for you is very important. If you click this link, you can check out my resources page on many different ways to Find a Therapist.
Online Resources
Redefine Therapy
Dr. Jamie Marich is an EMDR therapist from Ohio who runs the Institute for Creative Mindfulness. She has written many books on the topic and has great instructional videos for Phase 2 of EMDR therapy - Preparation.
These guided instructional videos explore accessible grounding exercises help alleviate distress.
Insight Timer
This Mindfulness App has 40,000+ meditations, exercises, sounds, music, and tools that are free to use and are a great adjunct to therapy. 10 minutes a day of mindfulness practices can help solidify pathways in your brain that allow you to be more aware, present, and calm.
Download the app, or check out some of their guided meditations on their website.
Community Resources
The Human Services Coalition is a central resource for all sorts of community resources, including transportation, food, and health insurance navigation. They also have a Listserv that many local non-profits utilize to share resources, events, and other information about our community.
Suicide Prevention & Crisis Services
This organization offers 24-7 support and crisis counseling in our community. They also offer support and brief therapy to individuals who have lost someone to suicide. They can be reached at 607.272.1616 OR 800.273.8255
Tompkins County Mental Health Association
TCMHA is a great local organization that offers several services to the local community. This includes a range of advocacy, peer support, and education services.
Opportunities, Alternatives, & Resources
OAR of Tompkins County is a great organization that works to restore and maintain the inclusion of all individuals in our community, regardless of legal status. They have a great Resource Guide for the area and offer a number of support services.
Planned Parenthood of the Southern Fingerlakes
PPSFL is a great local resource for general reproductive health, as well as special services for individuals on all levels of the transgender spectrum. Both Corning and Ithaca house clinics in the region, making it easier to find affirming care.
Advocacy Center
The Advocacy Center of Tompkins County is our local organization that offers confidential support to individuals who have or are currently, experiencing physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. They operate a 24-hour Hotline at 607.277.5000.